
Research Unit in Drug, Health Product Development and Application (DHP-DA RU)

Thammasat University Research Unit in Drug, Health Product Development and Application (DHP-DA RU)

Established since 13th April 2020


  • Integration of the research in drug molecules and health products development as well as their applications to improve the quality of life of the people.


  • To create new knowledge and conduct the integrative research in drugs and health products development as well as their applications for improving the quality of life.



 Assoc. Prof. Rathapon Asasutjarit, Ph.D. (Head of the research unit)

Research interests:

  1. Application of polymers and surfactants as drug/cosmeceutical delivery systems
  2. Nanotechnology for drug/cosmeceutical delivery
  3. Skin and Ophthalmic drug delivery

Email address: rathapona@hotmail.com; rathapon@tu.ac.th



 Assist. Prof. SewanTheeramunkong, Ph.D./p>

Research interests:

  1. Pharmaceutical/Medicinal chemistry
  2. Pharmaceutical analysis

Email address: sewan@yahoo.com



 Assoc. Prof. JurapornPongwechrak, Ph.D./p>

Research interests:

  1. Clinical pharmacy
  2. Rational drug use

Email address: pjurapor@yahoo.com



 Our research outputs